There are multiple cities available for you to sign up for a chance to win free tickets to see Daddy’s Home. This movie will be released on Christmas day but available to see for free on Sunday Dec 13th. This is the first time I see a movie screening shown on a Sunday, so this will make it a good way to spend your Sunday afternoon.
Here is a list of cities this movie will be available to see, just sign up by clicking on the picture, complete quick form and wait to see if you won your free tickets.
- Austin, TX
- Chicago, IL
- Dallas, TX
- Houston, TX
- Nashville, TN
- San Antonio, TX
Note: If this is a movie you are considering seeing or simply want to start on this new journey (were you see free movies right before they are released), then this is a perfect way to get started. We have sign up many times and we usually win free tickets but it all depends on the movie as well. So, don’t hesitate and get started..