Here is a Sneak Peek of the items you can expect from Boxycharm for the month of February 2019..
Here are 2 variations of what to expect for this box. If you are subscribed to receive this month box, check your emails if you would like to see some sneak peek of what you will be getting inside your box.
What do you think about this month box? So far from the options shown I think is a lot better then last month. I wasnt too happy with January box, but this one does look a lot better. Here are a few items I should get inside my box. I am happy the value of this box is over $115 so is not bad just paying $21 each month.
BOXYCHARM is a beauty box subscription on which you receive FULL SIZE items which you can use for skin, hair, lips. The best part is each box comes with items that are value up to $140. The subscription can be cancel at any time and if you pay for the whole year you save an equivalent of 1 month = $11 save.
Boxycharm – Items we can expect for the next month box (so far we have 3 spoilers which you can see shown in the picture)