Cinnamon Rolls are those special treats that I love to enjoy.  Sadly, is hard for me to enjoy them as much as I like since we dont have a cinnabon store near us and the second reason is because they have so many calories but I decided to make one of my recipes and change the sugar I normally used.

cinnamon rolls

Of course this recipe can be a lot healthier if I used a different flour but I only had all purpose flour but I also wanted to try changing granulated sugar for truvia sugar and see if the flavor is as good as the original.

First I started making the dough and the yeast this will let me know if the dough will rise, in the past I had issue with the yeast not rising but today was pretty good (as you can see on the measuring cup)



Here is the dough once is was well mixed.  I covered it with plastic wrap and place it in the microwave for about 45 to an hour until it doubled in size.


Here you can see it rose a lot which is always a good thing.. Before I punch the dough I put flour on my knuckles so the dough wont stick. 20150709_190711141_iOS

Here you can see part of the dough was rolled until I got a size of 19″ long and 10″ wide.  I really like rolling only half of the dough because is easier to work with and I love how smoothly each roll is cut.


Here are some of the cinnamon rolls right after they were rolled and cut. I left some space in between just to give them room while they are put on a side so they can double again.


Here is the final result with some frosting spread over the top.. They came out so soft, perfect combination from the dough, filling and frosting.


