Another Tuesday and I am excited to share with you a different first impression and today is a Mini Eye Makeup Tutorial, using drugstore palette up to 4 colors. I added as my final look glitter on the eyelid, this item I got from my BB5 March box.
You can watch my unboxing from BB5 –
Beauty Box 5 for the month of March here..
Products mentioned:
⭐Revlon Romantic Eye Palette –
⭐Prestige Total Intensity Glitter in Gold –
⭐Wet n Wild Eye Palette –
⭐Maybelline Dream Cushion Foundation
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hola!! me encantó tu fondo! y el maquillaje te quedo hermoso! me quedo suscrita y gracias por tu apoyo! espero podamos apoyarnos mucho! ??
Loving the eye makeup! Thanks so much for checking out my channel, I subbed back 🙂 keep in touch! xxx
Nice look 🙂 I love the glitter 😀 I would love to try out a look like this on my channel someday too 🙂
those are really cool eye shadows your eyes are hypnotizing !beautiful!
Nice channel! Just subbed you #484, visit my channel, too!?
Hola hermosa, me gusto tu video gracias por compartirlo, me quedo suscrita y me gustaria que pases por mi canal hacer lo mismo, te espero, bendiciones besos.
I'm loving your eye makeup so beautiful. ??? Btw, I love how you edit your video.
This is so good! Great job(:
Just subbed ❤️sub back so we can support each other
Ooh that wet n wild palette is pigmented! I've gotta get one. Great video!
wow you are so pretty! I love your channel! I am your new subscriber ? I hope we can be friends! maybe!?
Nice videos… Done subbing to your channel. Hope you could sub back. Tnx
Like 30 you look gergeous beautiful thanks for your support and i leave u mine ??✌️????????❤️?????????
So pretty! I subbed! 🙂
Muy bella, hermoso maquillaje
hey new viewer here!! great review, that revlon palette is so nice, I might need to get one haha! It would be amazing to support each other here on Youtube, Please check out my channel & subscribe, I'll subscribe back!! 🙂
Its beautiful!
Very well done!! Just subbed 469 ☺ hope you check out my channel!
Hola me gustó tu video estoy suscrita, si quieres puedes pasar por mi canal así nos apoyamos
You're so pretty! Loved the video can't wait to see more!
nice channel..
just subbed u ?
hope you too visit my channel for simple and easy recipes n subscribe back too ?
In love with your video!:)New Subbie!! I make videos too and would love if you checked out my channel and sub too. it would mean the world to me.
Hola! acabo de descubrir tu canal y me encantó (por supuesto ya cuentas con mi suscripción), espero puedas pasarte al mío y de igual forma suscribirte… Saludos! (:
?? amazing video I Subscribed to your channel Thanks for visiting my channel as well and I hope You Subscribe to me 😀
Esta genial buen vídeo! like te has ganado un sub ojalá y te pasarás por mi canal y te suscribas. saludos desde Colombia
Hello firend. Nice video. Great work. Keep rocking. Just subbed ur channel to watch more interesting videos. Can u pls support me back my firend. Best wishes
I love this makeup tutorial!
Hey gorgeous love your makeup look great tutorial..i just subscribed . I hope you will also checkout my channel thanks
you have such a beautiful shaped eye ! love the look and thanks for sharing ! i make videos as well hope you can check my channel out give it some love !
OMG? I'm so happy I came across your channel!! I love watching genuine Youtubers!!! Youre amazing!
New subbie, obviously, lol 🙂 I have a channel too if you ever want to check it out!
Interesante canal diferente pero agradable nuevo suscriptor Espero que puedas pasar por mi canal y mi esposa le encantará tu canal
Really enjoyed this palette review
Such a fun and unique look darling =) I make similar videos and I would love your feedback! I subscribed and cannot wait to see more from you xx
hola hola nueva suscriptora y like ?? yo también tengo canal te invito por si gustas apoyarme con tu suscripción saludos ?