Hello Everyone,
I want to share this simple but cute recipe that you can make as a snack, dessert or a cute bite. This recipe was made using Pillsbury Grand Biscuits which I shaped into little hearts.
I started by taking one round biscuit and with my fingers I flatten down the shape until it was almost flat, know that the skinnier the biscuit like dough is, the smaller it will rise once is fried. Once the dough is flat, take a small cookie cutter for this recipe I used a heart shape but you can use any other cookie cutter you may have on hand.
Once your dough is flatten and shaped into a small heart shape now is ready to get fried. Place about 2 or 3 small hearts into a hot temperature pan with plenty of oil and cook until lightly brown on both sides, I also like to fry the top and bottom of the dough simply by placing the down in up right position so it can cook evenly.
These came out too cut and as soon as the dough was cooking in the frying pan you could see the dough doubling in size.
Once you finish cooking your dough, set aside and let cool. Now you can get started by making a simple glaze or strawberry glaze.
These were so much fun to make and even though it is harder for a dough that rises to retain the shape these still came out too cute. Hope this is a recipe you can make and enjoy it with your loved ones.
Thank you so much for sharing with us for our 5th Anniversary of Full Plate Thursday! Hope you have a fantastic week and hope to see you again real soon!
Miz Helen